
So, it took me a bit to figure out how to compose this post. This past weekend I had a 3 day weekend. And it started off great! New mattress arrived on Friday. Got it unboxed and expanded. Then decided to go run some errands. Made a stop for lunch at one of my favorite spots, Pizza Inn. Then headed to Walmart.

This is where my weekend decided to take a massive dump on my mood. After getting my shopping done and loading groceries and stuff into the car, I get in and…….BAM! She cranks, but won’t start. I checked everything under the hood I could think of and still just crank and no start. Ended up having to pay $85 for a tow truck to get it back to the house. The driver said it sounded like it might be the fuel pump. Joy.

So, yeah. Now I’m back in the same boat I was before. No working vehicle to allow me to get out of the house for appointments or on weekends. No going to the card shop. Nothing. I won’t lie, it dealt a blow to my mental health to the point I didn’t hardly game much at all over the weekend. I just didn’t feel like it. And even so far this week, I’ve played some Prop Hunt on Fortnite, but that’s about it.

I will be glad when next June rolls around and I can petition NC to release the hold they have on my license and allow me to get a valid DL again. Then I can go finance a good working vehicle and not ever have to worry again. If I’d have thought she’d be ok with it, I would have asked a friend whose daughter was selling her car to see if she’d take payments on it. But, meh….it’ll be ok. I just wish life would really stop kicking me in the gut for fun.

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