I think I’m going to make my New Year’s Resolution be that I start to fully make something of StormDragon Gaming. The idea and infrastructure is there, I just need to actually start to promote it and work with it professionally.
I have a wonderful group of core friends that I love playing with and will continue to do so, however I would also like to bring in new friends. Those who have been having a hard time finding and making friends online because of social anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues. Or even those who just want to make new friends regardless. That is my whole purpose behind my motto “A Home for Everyone”. All are welcome.
The things I need to work on are:
- Streaming – I really need to polish up and perfect my OBS scenes and settings so it has a more ‘professional’ look to them. I’m not looking to go full out like the professionals, but something better than the basic scenes I’m using now. I’d really like to get the little talking avatars like some of them have. I also need to start having ‘real’ streaming sessions instead of just broadcasting gameplay.
- Discord – I have the Discord community set up and ready. Just need to get people to join it.
- Blog – I would love to give the blog a face lift to something that really ‘pops’. Maybe I need to look into other platforms other than WordPress. Or maybe I need to learn WordPress a little better.
I’m sure a few more things will come to mind later. I’ll update this list if they do.