Christmas 2024

So Sonic, or “Bubs” as I’ve been calling him, is officially part of the household. He’s settling in nicely and still exploring the apartment. He spent a good amount of time in the “Cat Cave” just sleeping or chilling yesterday. Today he’s come out a bit more, ate his food and demanded I pick him up which led to him holding me hostage while he just chilled on my chest on the bed. LOL! He’s absolutely adorable and loves to play.

Now onto the Christmas update! So, for the first time since 2013 I spent Christmas with other people rather than being alone. Jamie came out and kidnapped me to spend Christmas with her family. I left out on the 21st and came back the 25th. Best. Decision. Ever. It was an amazing time and I can’t thank her enough for making me do it and her sister and brother in law for letting me stay at their place. Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day were abuzz with everyone there opening gifts. It felt like, as the song says, I was home for Christmas.

And yes, I did have a moment I had to step away and collect myself. I had a lot of memories of Christmas’ with my grandparents and family it almost got overwhelming for a moment. But, I wouldn’t trade a single moment of it for anything.

As for gifts, they’re in the pictures. They are absolutely amazing, but I think the Doctor Who t-shirt is by far my favorite of all of them.

Hope all of my friends had an amazing holiday and got everything they were hoping for! Now to look towards next year!

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